In the year 2082 . . .

“An iron curtain has descended once again upon humanity. Not built with concrete or steel, but with carbon filaments and advanced materials. The mighty Soviets and Americans patrol not the waves of the Baltic and the Pacific, but the rocks of the belt and the icy moons of Jupiter, with their mighty warships. The people call out in hatred of those they were taught to hate and in love of the state which they were taught to love. Above all, the great stations of the far future carry not commerce and trade, but hundreds of nuclear warheads, bristling towards the people they deem weaker. The iron curtain has been built, and it will not fall again.”

Humanity has achieved its greatest triumph. No longer will the race of man need to look up towards to stars, for they have achieved their greatest dreams. People walk on the surface of Mars, of the Moon, of Venus, and further.